Pandemic compels Bentz to scuttle traditional political campaign model, shift emphasis
The Ontario attorney, who seeks to win Oregon’s 2nd Congressional seat, will now shift to online platforms, newspapers and radio to attract voters.
The Ontario attorney, who seeks to win Oregon’s 2nd Congressional seat, will now shift to online platforms, newspapers and radio to attract voters.
I will join President Trump in stopping illegal immigration by improving border security and by building/completing the wall. Of course, we need to address and reform immigration.
I will work in Congress – just as I did in the state senate – to strengthen our economy by directing investments toward rural Oregon, reducing regulations, lowering taxes and supporting President Trump’s policies that make our economy even stronger.
I strongly oppose government run healthcare. Estimates show that the democrat’s proposal of a single payer healthcare system would cost over $30 trillion.
It is time our federal government is held accountable for its gross mismanagement of our federal forests and the horrific fires that result from such mismanagement.
I have spent my entire life as a rancher, farmer, attorney and state legislator fighting for and supporting the wise and actual use of Oregon’s lands and water, so I applaud President Trump’s plan to update the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).